i managed to put in a few good three hour rides at the start of this week and on wednesday said goodbye to cherise who flew to australia for the road world championships coming up next weekend.also on their trip is the commonwealth games in india which at this stage looks shaky.

i then booked into a hotel in sandton with oakley for the onesight clinic.onesight is an international organisation partnered with oakley to bring vision care to those in need around the world.i joined many of sa and the worlds top athletes to help out in the clinic for two days.
on thursday morning we headed into mamelodi(a township just outside pretoria)and arrived at a hospice hospital built by and amererican church.the rows of people were stagering and the enormity of the project was obvious.the goal was to provide 10 000 mamelodians with eye tests and then the appropriate spectacles aswell as a set of very fashionable oakley sunnies.
we got a crash course on every station inside the clinic and got to work.per day we had to try and move 1500 people through the building which meant that efficient flow was key.onesight has realy perfected the prosedure to such and extent that we were able to many many of the testing stations with no problem.by the end of the day i was rather tired.it is incredible that the volunteers there were up for 8days of the same.
after a great bon fire dinner among some wild cats in the bushveld i headed to oscar pistorius' house for a drink.the guy is truly and awesome athlete and an inspiring person.i was alo very impressed by is automobile collection including a prestine 67 mustang complete with chip fuse wheels!
on friday we hit the test stations again before heading into the township to do hospice visits.we got a taste of the many issues these hospice workers overcome to provide much needed care to those in need.it is realy awesome to see what a difference these people make and the passion with which they do their job.after we did some more work at the clinic before heading back to the lodge.we had another great dinner and even got to pose with a cheetah.
thanks to oakley sa and onesight for letting us help out,also thanks to davey weare for rooming with me over the few days.davey is a surfer from durban who has spent many years on the world tour.much respect.
this week i get back to training full on for a couple of days,or trying atleast.ive got a slight cold which im trying to shake which isnt ideal when you only have 8 days to get some form back.the event i need some of the form for is the roc d'azur bike festival in france coming up...
till next week...